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“If you ask any successful person, they will always have had a great mentor at some point along the road.” – Sir Richard Branson

Mentoring  helps  build confidence, motivation, and a range of skills for life

Mentoring is so effective because it provides young people with:



Sometimes, you just don’t know what you don’t know. It is priceless to be able to draw on the experience of someone who understands the challenges in life and who can share wisdom and provide helpful insight and guidance.



Great mentors support young people to make connections. That doesn’t mean making connections for them, but identifying the right people, ideas and opportunities and giving them guidance on how to access them.



Even the most resilient person benefits from a cheerleader and advocate at crucial times. It is invaluable for them to have someone who is on their side, a sounding board who pushes them to keep going through the tough times.

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